Blogging's in the blood

Both of my parents blogged when I was a kid. I am not sure that it made me want to do this more than being a Software Engineer did but it certainly didn't hurt.

My mom

Certainly the "more successful" blogger of the two, my mom runs Angela's Kitchen. It's a gluten free/dairy free blog that she started because she was developing food for herself and my sisters.

She had some great success with the blog and got a couple deals writing cookbooks because of it Amazon Affiliate link.

I can tell you from experience that her food is delicious and I am not just saying that because she is my mom.

A large part of my motivation to become a Software Engineer came from watching my parents work on these blogs. While the content was always interesting I always wanted to know how they worked. I found myself digging into how "iWeb" was hosted then how Wordpress sites worked as my mom switched to it.

My dad

Jumper 2.0: stemmed from his nickname on his college rugby team 'Jumper' my dad wrote a blog about his process becoming a Triathlete. I honestly have very little recollection of what he wrote on this blog except that it existed. I remember his profile photo and that it was hosted on iWeb as well. I think he moved to something else eventually but I don't think he ever continued with the site.

I saw the community that my dad had created with his other blogging friends that he had and viewed it as surprising. "What do you mean a bunch of people got together and blogged and became friends?"

I have no idea if he still stays in touch with those people anymore and whether or not he feels like his blgoging days are behind him. Maybe I should ask him whether or not he wants me to host another site for him since I know that the main reason he used iWeb was because of it being free.


I have wanted to stay committed to blogging for a while now. I don't really know if I am going to continue but I really enjoy using this platform so far. Ghost makes it super easy for me to write a quick post and get it out the door all in one sitting. I can schedule out my posts so that I don't feel like I have to come back to post them when I want to. Site design is super customizable (I have work to do there) and the admin UI is really intuitive. I wish the code was slightly more front and center but I also appreciate the subtle nature of it.

I also (while writing this post) remembered that hitting f11 on Windows was a thing. Being able to full screen this writing experience is a gamechanger. I need to remember that option exists more often. I suppose I only remembered that on Mac because of the little green symbol on the top of every screen.

Anyways, I really am enjoying throwing these posts out there. I (unfortunately) alwaays have something I want to talk about and this is at very minimum a great outlet to do so.

If anyone is reading this: Thanks!

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