Finishing Projects

I have 3 projects I want to finish.

This is not my strongsuit and most projects that I have thought of will never be even started.

The First

This is a simple Magic the Gathering life Counter app that I wanted to work on with a friend. I still think that he and I can work on this together but I think I need to set up the basic life counter first so that we can work on bigger details after something is initially fleshed out. I know he is busy so I think this is going to turn into largely a solo project.

This is absolutely the fastest one to throw together. I would love to get some ad revenue from this project... Even though I doubt it will be more than our friends using it. Although, maybe I will get lucky and we can get more people to use it if I do it well enough. I want to have simple counters embedded so that it is easy to count command damage and poison counters on the screen, and to allow all people who are playing the game to be able to connect to the same session so that they can use different phones simultaneously.

I think there is a good argument to throwing together the basic version of this and adding features down the line. It should allow for an easy project that I can get out the door that has the potential to expand.

Goal go live Date of MVP: Sept 31st.

The Second

I just came up with this idea for what I will call a budget app. My biggest concern with this is how I want to handle it. I think that I want to just have a super simple layout that has no auto importing at first so that I can just set goals and track success/failure of said goals.

The downside to this is that it would all be manual at first and likely would only be used by me... The positive is that going with this approach will likely also lead into the Final project since I will have to handle user account data. Just more simplified. I think that even though this is far from a simple product there is a good chance that I could get some traction with it and worst case I come out learning a lot about how I would want to design my final project.

Goal go live date: December 31st.

The The third

The first is something that I have wanted to work on since the beginning of college. It is by far the most daunting and I will be the most dissapointed if it doesn't work out. It requires management of potentially a huge number of people having a good amount of data and allowing interactions between people. It's a giant trade optimization problem that I find super fascinating. I want it to work. I don't however, have the time to dedicate to such a big project that I care so much about.

This needs to take priority just so I can make it. It can't be the first project. I want to talk about it more but I really can't because I care so much about it that I don't want anyone to steal my idea lol.

This project requires me to have the time to actually sit down and design the product that can be the MVP. There is nearly infinite idea scope for this one so I really need to figure out how to limit myself and slowly add things instead of going all out and overwhelming users at first.

Goal go live date: April?

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